Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hear - Sing the Delta, Iris Dement

I'd never heard of Iris Dement before this album.  And I'll be honest, I judged it for the cover.  I wanted to hear what kind of music this woman was making.  It was like going back in time.  This is country music of the purest kind, made in 2012.  It is beautiful, mournful and honest.  It is sad, and joyful and brutal.  If you only listen to one song, make it, "The Night I Learned How Not to Pray".  This song will sit on your heart for days.  It is the essence of country music - the yearning, sacrifice and pain that we go through in our lives.  All of us.  This music might not be for everyone - but Iris Dement is for me.  I love this artist.

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